recent posts

December 15, 2010


Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

So0 s0o good...

The biggest Pepero given to me by one of my students!

Breakfast in bed from Hubby

Putting up our first fake Christmas tree

Secret Santa presents that are so original - can't wait to try out 
a S'mores

Getting truly inspired by all the creative and beautiful blogs out there. Taking that inspiration and redeveloping my blog little by little...

Secret Santa fun! Making this was... well, a challenge of dexterity and nimble fingers
(burnt them a couple of times on the hot glue gun) BUT well worth it!
I hope the recipient enjoys it...

Let me know what's good in your world :)

1 comment:

  1. likin the new blog. I love your of both worlds on a plate!


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