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April 12, 2011

Off to the Assembly

Today my 4th Grade class went to a very regal and important place. 
The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. 
Try saying that when you are in a hurry!

It was a very interesting place and they learned a lot about the government 
in South Korea. 

But my favorite memory of the day was when I overheard 
two students discussing what this was...

... After stating the obvious, they quickly decided it had to be a flower cupcake.

I love their creativity.



  1. Flower cupcake?! funny as.
    Hey Claire..could you do a special post just for me....I'm interested in what you guys are eating over there...Takes some pics and describe it...pretty please!

  2. Jackie, I am onto the eating here in Korea post... I just need to gather some more photos. Thanks for the feed back - I LOVE Korean food so can't wait to share!


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