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November 13, 2011

With Thanksgiving...

Thanksgiving is not a celebration that is well known or practiced in my homeland. It's something that is known about but not really practiced.

With a little over 10 days until it is here... I have heard many share stories of how they celebrate and even tried pumpkin pie for the first time. Being surrounded by friends and colleagues of many nationalities here in South Korea, I definitely have become more openminded to the idea.

I have also been reminded where in Philippians 4 verse 6 it says, '... but in every situation, by prayer and petition, WITH THANKSGIVING... make your requests to God...'

Many years ago this scripture was my two-edged sword, my weapon against anxiety; the words brought truth into my life that through prayer and petitioning, I could be free of the worries that can silence.

Today, God gave me a new revelation of the rich words here. Especially these two...


He has reminded me of thankfulness for the very large changes and the small changes that are happening right now. That I can choose thankfulness instead of what I can't see.

There are SO many things to be thankful for right now.

I have a choice.

I choose thankfulness.

I choose to pray and petition.

Oh, and I choose pumpkin pie too.

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