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September 29, 2013


i have this necklace.
this taonga was a gift from my mum for my graduation from university. it is a symbol of lifelong learning, and that we are always on a journey.

we keep moving on.

i am comforted by the fact that this stands for something so important. and at times, sometimes months on end, i will wear it as a symbol of the season i am in. when I wear it now, my son loves to play with it and spin it around in his hands, reminding me that he is on his own one. i am comforted by that.

comfort to me is a lot of things really.

my husband, son and i altogether.
my family around me, accepting me wholeheartedly.
and, so many integral loved ones too. 

bagels with cream cheese and jam.
lying on mum's couch.
and so many other things too.
but as I look down at what hangs around my neck something stands out to me. 

a promise that gives me comfort during all the highs and lows right now and in the future - whether up in the mountain tops or stumbling through the darkest valleys.

i am not complete.
i am a work in progress.
how I am today is not as far as I get.
 there are many new hinds places and many more valleys.

i am so grateful for that. the fact that i am unfinished, still being molded, not having to resolve. 
this is not the end but that i am complete in Him.

thank goodness!

What gives you comfort?


  1. Great post.. I have a taonga that I treasure too..... my Dad and mum had it made for me for my 40th birthday... a greenstone one.. and when my Dad got sick, he gave it to me early... (about 2 weeks before my birthday). he died 5 days after he gave it to me... and it feels like a "link" with him when I reach down and touch it/hold it... Now.. comfort to me means lots of things.. being a part of a whanau, having "enough".. having a house, car, full tummy... and also comfort to me means "peace of mind"... knowing that there is a God out there who loves and cares for us... and who we will be with in Heaven when our time comes.. <3 xxxxxxxxxxxx


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