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October 17, 2013

ten months!

Buddy boy ~ 10 months is here!

Isaiah, looking back this has been another action-packed month of learning and developing. You are 'finding your feet' and are now such a confident mover on the ground. You also walk up and down around the furniture and play with letters on the fridge. You love to play peek-a-boo with your dad and laugh when he does funny things like put clean socks on your head. You have your own sense of humor and deep fresh laugh. It makes something burst inside when I hear it!

Isaiah, at ten months you...

** have started to point at things you want us to know about or that you are interested in
** are up bright and early every morning, ready to roll and cuddle with us in bed
** look around expectantly when I say 'Where's daddy?'
** are a busy-beaver at home, zooming around on all fours and finding things to get into
** are an outdoor boy - you need to have time outside and don't like to be couped up inside
** experienced sickness twice this month
** can now get from standing up to sitting down and without hurting yourself!
** have balanced unaided on your feet a couple of times
** respond and engage regularly with books, often choosing to do this by yourself
** have changed to being more of a picky eater recently which may be because of having tonsillitis earlier this month :(
** love love love the ELC, you know when we are off to school and are happy to be with your friends there
** are not sure about real grass - You don't like the feel on your hands! A summer in the far north of NZ will change that I think
** are really growing and often get mistaken for being older than you are because of your height

** have a love/hate relationship with your change table now
** know when it is bath time because we sing the 'It's bathie time' song and you get SO excited
** Bath toys are now your new chew toys
** have extended your love of balls to large ones like basket balls, soccer balls and rugby balls
** now sleep on your side most nights
** like to play with your hair while nursing
** love fruit and bread the most
** really like to feed yourself much more than from us
** love to dance and bop to music
** have a new smile, where you scrunch up your face and giggle. It's hilarious!

Isaiah,  our friend captured you at the ELC, being courageous and going on the slide. All your friends were there to cheer you on! We love that you want to try out new things.

''My wish for you
Is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
And while you're out there gettin' where you're gettin' to
I hope you know somebody loves you
And wants the same things too
Yes, this is my wish'' 
Rascal Flatts

I hope you know somebody loves you, my boy xx

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