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October 06, 2014

letting the light in

on sunday we visited the beach, {something we try to do as often as we visit ruakaka}. it is where we feel relaxed, breathing in the goodness of the salt air with the breeze reviving us. lots of people were making the most of the sun, scattered along the shoreline with their families, fishing and walking and laughing. isaiah was finding gulls to follow and more sticks to offer to the dog...

tarla can run free here. you really have to see her, she crouches down low, waiting for the perfect moment and then takes off... moving like a torpedo.

she splashes into the water and fills up the space as she fetches for the stick that hubby has hurled as far as he can.
here is a shell for you, he calls. i look down at the shape, wedged into the sand. glistening and bright; a horse mussel. so dainty, shining in the sun as the water runs over it. it's placed in my hand and as i look at the piece and move it around in my hand, it cracks. splinters apart and i know that it's too delicate to make into something, or take it away from the shore. it will continue to crack and brake because that's the way it is.
just like that shell, we can brake too, we can carry cracks and painful splits. we might feel like we are going to fall apart.

'there is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in' {leonard cohen}

it is precisely our brokenness that brings in the light. and that for me is so refreshing right now. i have been writing lots, looking for new creative projects and reading a book, brene brown's ' i thought it was just me (but it isn't): making the journey from "what will people think?" to "i am enough" {i will review this in the future!}

light is being shone through and hope is growing.

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