a regular post sharing some key words that make up the month and what it means to me... i want to look back on each year, and have a whole glossary of words that represent the seasons and journeys i have faced.
{ eclipse }
on april 4 we experienced a total lunar eclipse. i waited up late to capture the blood red moon but unfortunately, i couldn't photograph it. but i was able to get some early moon photos from the great view we had when visiting family.

{ endless }
it is the middle of april and we are still experiencing weather that is full of sun and amazing cool breezes. the first summer from our return to new zealand feels a little endless, and i am definitely not complaining!
{ 100 }
one hundred years have gone by since the young men and women of our country fought for our freedom in a foreign land, the place now known as anzac cove, turkey. we have had major focuses around the country to commemorate this amazing act they took for our country. lest we forget.
{ chatter }
our boy is developing vocabulary and chatting so much more now. he loves to express himself and learn about animals and the sounds they make. it is wonderful to engage with isaiah and have chats about his day and what he has done at his early childhood centre.
what word(s) represent the month of april for you?
:: holding on to the good ::
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