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January 14, 2013

isaiah: one month!

Fist pumps all round! 

Isaiah at 1 month
  • is an attentive boy, always looking and taking things in
  • likes to look out the lounge window of meema's house especially
  • holds a record of 5 and half hours for the longest sleep so far
  • feels secure with his hands close to his face and creates amazing shapes with them
  • loves his change table and smiles the most on it
  • has developed amazing kicking skills while mum sings kung-fu fighting
  • loves his food!
  • has put on weight every time he has been weighed
  • can track with his eyes and moves his head in the direction you move to
  • is a gentlemen, always on his best behavior when visiting or out on errands
  • has acquired chubby little cheeks
  • immediately recognizes mum and dad's voices
  • has nearly grown out of his bassinet!
  • is happy to go into his car seat and seems to know to fall asleep in it
  • will be taking his first international flight at just shy off 5 weeks
  • has some pet names so far: Baby Hub (right from the start) Little man, cheeky monkey, baby boy  


We love you more than words our precious boy ~ it feels like you have been here always. Can't wait for all the surprises next month will hold! It feels so complete with you here.

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