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November 14, 2014

be twice the person i am

if there was one main goal that i desire for my child, it is for him to be twice the person i am.
and when i share this, i really don't mean achieve more accolades or trophies or prizes or more stuff to put in a pretty house.

i want him to have an inner confidence that comes from a solid family foundation.

my goal is to help my boy take every opportunity he has in front of him, without fear or shame. i refuse to pass shame on to him or anyone.
i want him to have an inner confidence in who he is and why he is here. that he can ask questions, make mistakes but always, always remembers where he comes from and how much he is loved. 
isaiah - cultivate a true heart, give compassion freely, walk with integrity, be strong and take challenges head on, be true to yourself, faithful and creative. get excited about the unknown but with a faith and a confidence in your purpose and meaning. go get 'em kid.

sharing from a mother's heart tonight.

:: holding onto the good ::

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