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July 25, 2011

singapore, 2011

we stopped off in this wonderful place for 2 days before nz. 

mark lived here for a year when he was a pre-teen and so it was really cool for him to show me the sights and sounds of this unique place. it was very nostalgic for him as it hasn't changed a lot. 

the first evening we headed out on the bus to orchard road, the very famous shopping area. it was busy and hot. i was so exhausted after a busy end of the year!
this is me waiting for a mango/pineapple smoothie... the best I have ever had but no photo :( sorry...

Day 2 was off to singapore zoo! it was a place t had really wanted to visit... The day was quite cool and overcast which was so good.
here is a collection of my favourite animals during the trip. i love otters so we watched them being fed and swimming for a long time. the zoo also have manatees which mark loves. the bottom right photo was also a fave. it's of a pigmy hippo baba and his mum. they were just chillaxing but it was cute to see the rolly skin and them snuggling together.
i have saved the best til last. during our trip we went to a show about rainforest animals. just sitting there waiting for it to start and mark gets a tap on his shoulder and a signal to follow this warrior. mark's up for it and joins the actors on stage. they signal to have him strip off his shirt and do a shout and display of power to the audience and then indicate for mark to do it. 
little do they know that we are from nz - the home of the haka - check out the facials on the bottom left photo - they were impressed! the crowd cheered! 

later on in the day mark got lots of 'hellos' from people recognising him around the place. i loved it!

well it was a short trip but it was great to experience a bit of singapore. my next post will be on our trip home to aotearoa. 

bye for now x


  1. Love it! That smoothie sounds delicious and how cool that Mark had already lived there before. Cracking up at the facials - go the Haka!!

  2. That haka story is so funny! Singapore is on the list of places to see


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